Product specifications

The technology behind the non-toxic anti-fouling performance is achieved by the production of a low surface energy face on the marker. This is the result of extensive research and development in both the base materials and their moulding performance and the development of a patented manufacturing process.

  • C.Tag® and C.Tag® UW2 adhesive can withstand temperatures between -40°C and +120°C
  • Comes with protective covers for use during installation
  • The base silicone used in C.Tag® is extremely durable to both sharp and heavy pressure
  • C.Tag® is 100% non-toxic.

Tested for use in the toughest conditions

Zero Effect on Environment

C.Tag® is 100% non-toxic and therefore offers peace-of mind environmental support, protecting ocean ecology.

Damage Tolerance

Protective covers for use during installation which offer UV protection for extreme sunlight conditions and protection from the yard environment.


The base material used in the production of C.Tag® has been tested subsea for over 10 years with excellent results.

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